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Functionality available for contracts that implement the IERC721 and `IERC721Supply interfaces.


Get the metadata and current owner of all NFTs in the contract.

By default, returns the first 100 NFTs (in order of token ID). Use queryParams to paginate the results.

var data = await contract.ERC721.GetAll();

queryParams (optional)

Provide an optional object to configure the query. Useful for paginating the results.

var data = await contract.ERC721.GetAll(new QueryAllParams()
count = 100,
start = 0

Return Value

Returns a List of NFT structs, each containing the following properties:

string id;
string uri;
string description;
string image;
string name;
string external_url;
object attributes;
string owner;
string type;
int supply;
int quantityOwned; // only for ERC1155


Get the total number of NFTs minted in this contract.

var data = await contract.ERC721.TotalCount();

Return Value

Returns an int.
